Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Ok, now we start our first substantive chapter on the American Revolution. Try to actually have an opinion in what you write this week. Don't feel you just have to tell me what you read, make a comment on what you read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The government has three branches and each branch has its own powers that the other branches do not have. The executive branch enforces laws, makes foreign treaties, proposes laws, and can appoint Supreme Court justices and federal court judges. The Legislative branch passes federal laws, approves treaties, regulates interstate comerce and establishes lower-court systems. The Judicial branch reviews lower court decisions, decides constitutionality of laws, and decides cases involving disputes between states. There are different methods of selecting the top personnel to each branch and this produces a mixed regime. This allows all different groups of society to have a voice and opinion for governmental decison making. I believe it is a good idea to have representatives from different groups of society in the government so that all voices can be heard. Finally I also like the checks and balances system. This is a system under which each of the branches of governemt is given certain powers over the other branches. This system helps make our country better by not allowing one group of people to have the last say the decision making process.