Saturday, March 03, 2007


I am looking forward to seeing you all Monday morning for our midterm.

Until then, remember my offer on questions. I will be giving bonus points to anyone who submits a question-answer that I decide to include on the exam.

I am looking for short answer questions on the readings outside the main text. I need questions that show someone has given the piece in question a close reading and that focus on something from the text worth remembering.

I will also entertain suggestions for longer essay questions, though I tend to have those already in my mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As president of the United States of America, a well- known and prosperous country, its has come to my attention that a small country has been harboring terrorist whom I believe, on the basis of secret information, intend to kill Americans. As president of the United States, I see these plans of acts on Americans by terrorist unacceptable, and they must be stop. We as a nation have to have an absolute zero tolerance for terrorism towards we Americans. We can not put up with terrorism, we can’t not show weakness towards them. We must stand up and act and put a stop to each and every last on who has intentions of harming Americans. We must do what ever it takes to stop these acts of terrorism, we must leave no stone unturned. We must attack before we ourselves are attacked again. The military costs of making them go away are small compared to the benefits, such as living in peace and saving lives that may be taken through acts of terrorism. We must change our approach on how we defend terrorism. We can’t continue to respond to international terrorism by trying to convince grand juries and issuing subpoenas, we must get past all of that and declare war to put an end to terrorism. In other words, fight fire with fire. Our enemies haven’t shown any sings of stopping there terrorist acts because of our legal process. For example, on September 11, the terrorist weren’t concerned about violating any laws such as hijacking or facing murder charges, they were just concerned with killing innocent Americans. We have to realize that these terrorist who plan to carry out these attacks against us don’t see themselves as criminals, they see themselves as warriors against Americans and heroes to there people, and it would be not only irresponsible for us to treat them any differently, but also dangerous. Declaring war now will safe many lives down the line and allow all of us to live in peace. This declaration of war should allow for all necessary means, such as use of military force to destroy any and all terrorist organizations that plan to continue to terrorize this nation and any organization that aids these terrorist in there plans of attack. We should not worry about how much it is going to cost us, we can not put a price on human live. Now is not the time for congress to pinch military dollars, or pretend that these acts of terrorism against us are not serious. This is a time to put an end to terrorism against this great nation of ours. Since September 11 our world has changed. We now live in constant fear because we don’t know when and if we will be attacked again. It is time to take the politics out of war, and take lessons from the past. We must put a stop to terrorism because if we don’t who will. We must attack and win before we are attacked and defeated. The thousands of Americans who were killed on September 11 and since then deserve nothing less. George W. Bush’s creation of the Department of Homeland Security was a great start to defending against terrorism and has provided my party with the head of steam needed to continue the efforts of putting a stop to terrorism, and now as president, I am ready to take the next step and put an end to terrorism in this nation all together.

America, the land of the free, is being threatened by terrorist who must be stopped so there is not a reoccurrence of September 11. It is time for us to put all means of politics and worries aside, take lessons from our past, and time for us to act back against terrorism towards Americans by declaring war against those who wish to harm us. We can no longer let the worries of military cost affect our efforts of stopping terrorism, because the military cost of making these terrorist obsolete are minuscule compared to the benefits such as living in peace.