Thursday, September 08, 2005


Read the editorials linked to below and the blogs I link to on the right.

Read these writers both for their arguments and their writing style. Are they writing to persuade or to entertain? Which ones do you find persuasive and why?

We will spend the first class period discussing the aftermath of the Hurricane from the perspective of politics and public policy.

Politics is about conflict between groups, any groups. Keep in mind as you read the many possible axes of conflict: among different levels of government, between different levels of income, different races and regions, between public and private provision of services as well as between the political parties. Keep these many possible definitions of the conflict in mind as you read and think about the events of the last two weeks and come prepared to argue.

I am looking forward to seeing you all Monday.

Maureen Dowd

Mark Steyn

Eugene Robinson

Dennis Byrne,0,2233752.story?coll=chi-newsopinioncommentary-hed

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