Monday, September 04, 2006

The Biggest Problem In American Politics

I firmly believe that one of the biggest problems in American politics is the addition of concepts such as giving welfare to people who have no source of income. I do not believe that the government should give money to a person who is to lazy to get out and work for themselves. There is not a single person in this country who is not qualified to work at McDonald’s or pick up garbage. If a person can prove that they have a job that does not pay enough to support them or their family, then they deserve a certain amount of money. If someone was just fired from their job, they should be given enough money to support them until a reasonable amount of time has passed in which they should have a job by. But, someone who has no source of income and is too lazy to work deserves no help from anyone especially if they can’t even attempt to help themselves. So, I definitely believe that the welfare system the way it exists now is one of the biggest problems with American policy.
I understand the need for a welfare system when it was created by President Roosevelt during the Great Depression. There weren’t enough jobs in those days to go around and people needed a little bit of help. But, the caliber of American society has changed in the last couple decades. In the 1940s and 50s, everyone wanted a job and very few were too lazy to go find one. In today’s world, people are much lazier and don’t have the same drive and work ethic as people used to. So, the problem definitely started because of the recent sense of laziness in the last few decades.

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