Monday, September 04, 2006

Major Concern in American Govt.

I believe that one major concern right now is the ever-present controversy of nuclear war. As of recent times, we have learned of countries maintaining nuclear weapons and these are not being controlled by the United Nations. The fact is that there are many unaccounted nuclear weapons in the hands of hostile countries that are refusing to submit and surrender set weapons to authorities. With the new threat from North Korea being a nuclear power, the united states should be leery of any activity from nations hostile to us. We should take any necessary precautions in order to secure the safety of our country and the safety of the entire free world. With North Korea’s refusal of disarmament, we as a country need to pursue the termination of their weapons in order to ensure that they are not hostile. Although North Korea insists that they have no weapons that are to be used in a hostile manner, I don’t think we can overlook the fact that we are not in good relations with North Korea and there is a threat of a catastrophe. The reason why the September eleventh attacks were not prevented was because we weren’t proactive with the warning signs of such an attack. I believe that if we take first action to provoke the United Nations to shut down their operation, then we will benefit greatly from such action. With the institution of the NPT, we must take control of undocumented weapons of mass destruction. The threat of a disaster is always something to be concerned with and the last thing that the US needs right now is another attack and another war, but in order to secure the safety of our citizens, I feel as if we should be proactive and immediately take action.

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