Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Post your reactions for Friday, March 22, here

Tocqueville, et al.

1 comment:

Justin Huckaby said...

Justin Huckaby
7th response

Wednesday in class we were talking about how one group is in control of another because they provide something the other group needs but does not have. The idea that Iraq represents A and the US represents B struck me as being odd. Yes, Iraq does have oil that we use, but we are not dependent on that oil. I think people sometimes forget that Alaska is sitting on a treasure trove of oil. I know most people do not want us getting into this supply. They feel as though we should save it until we absolutely need it. I too agree with this, but it is there. It is OURS! We do not have to pay someone else for it. So when someone says we have to be careful when dealing with Iraq and other middleeastern countries because we need their oil, they are wrong. I think that as long as we can use someone else's oil we should. This way we save ours until it is necessary we use it, but we do not have to. We choose to. So saying we need Iraq for our livelihood is wrong.