Thursday, August 31, 2006

Our Environmental Policy, the Greatest Threat to the American Way of Life

The fact that America is in its present day politics is so obsessed with security that we forego environmental issues is one of our greatest hypocrisies. America defends itself from every form of attack or possible threat to its survival yet without the environment there is nothing left to protect. The possibility of the environment dying is so far down the road, or so we think, that we do not care because it will not affect us directly. Yet with the help of the government and automotive companies we could be completely independent from fossil fuels for personal transportation. The technology has been around for a long time and I understand that the change over from fossil fuels to alternate energy must be made slowly to keep the economy from crashing. But consider the slowness to change the look of hybrid cars: surely someone in the American government realized that these cars are so ugly that some one to buy them would have to be so environmentally conscious that they would be willing to have their sexual orientation questioned.
This is not the only way our government has failed us. The rapid increase in population is a major factor in the health of our environment. Our planet can only support one third of the people it already has to support. Yet we send aid to countries in the form of either food (which will only result in a higher population for the receiving country) or pamphlets about how to have safe sex, (usually calling for abstinence) instead of sending condoms. Our outlook being that other countries have this problem, not America. We do not have a population problem we just love not having a yard. The American view is a very selfish one in that we do not care what toll it takes on the environment as long as we feel comfortable. No one wants to give up their car or adopt a child; we would rather just destroy the world for our children than be shaken out of our sphere of complacency: complacency in not only feeling, but in thought and finally in action.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good points but not the most important thing we face.