Thursday, August 31, 2006

What is wrong with American politics and why?

The problem with American politics is that no one takes pride in America like they used to. Free speech is one thing, but the lack of support in the government and the constant tirade on the president and his cabinet and the people leading the war by the citizens of the United States has lowered morale for even the most patriotic people. The government will never be able to make everyone in the world happy with its decisions. There are things that we do not and should not want to know about the governments inside dealings. Though I believe there is corruptness in the government, I believe that the more enemies of the U.S. know our secrets and see people slamming their own government, the worse the war will be. The government’s ultimate duty is to keep us safe and the citizens of the U.S. and the media have been compromising that for years.
I believe the cause of this breakdown in unity stems from far right and far left thinking. We should all want less government: taxes, laws, guidelines, etc. and we should stop fighting on how to get it that way. We have become too dependent on the government for help and yet when the help isn’t there we criticize. The same goes for our foreign policy. When Hitler was killing hundreds of thousands of people and we stayed out of it for so long, we berated the government for not doing something about it. Yet Saddam Hussein does the same thing and we were to never get involved. During and after Vietnam the lines were clearly drawn between the two major political parties and the divide has been deepened throughout the years. We need to take pride in our country and how lucky we are to live in a place that we are free, no matter what race, creed, religion or party we vote for (those who actually vote). Why else would everyone be sneaking in to live here?

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