Thursday, August 31, 2006

Slow South

Carrie Boone

I believe that one of the major failures of American citizens as a whole is our idea that change will come about soon enough. Maybe the next election, maybe not...who knows? I am not only referring to presidential changes, but world changes. But, I digress to stay on the political topic. As a Mississippian, it is (theoretically, politically, religiously, socially....)incorrect for individuals to express their views for change. I, for one, began my life following the correct southern-Baptist-republican standard, and now find myself disliking our president(as the president...I’m sure as a father and husband he is wonderful). So, my point about our political system is, how can we expect it(the political system) to change and improve if we ourselves, the free people who know what’s going on in this great country of ours, do not change ourselves?

While I realize I have chosen the easiest of all the subjects to write about, I find myself becoming more and more interested (as well as frustrated)with this topic. Who I am referring to in this writing are the younger generations of Mississippians. I find myself referring to them (us, I am one)because they are who I know, who I’ve grown up with. The high school I attended was full of youths uninterested in world affairs, and unwilling to become interested. They did not care for change, but if it did come along, it was purposefully ignored or complained about. No action. In conclusion, I state once again my topic in clearer terms.... Why, can’t these certain little pockets in Mississippi catch up to the modern thought process and change, and if it is possible, why aren’t we?

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